Category: Environment

backyard camping

Tips for a Fun Backyard Camping with Your Kids

Summer is in full swing, but most of us are still either forced to stay home or have chosen to stay indoors for our family’s safety. While COVID-19 vaccination roll-outs are picking up across the country, it’s still risky to go outside, knowing that many

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tiny roach on top of something

Pest Control: Tactics to Effectively Keep the Bugs Away

There are more insects than human beings on Earth. This planet is as much theirs as it is ours. However, when our lives inevitably intersect, it can pose potential dangers to our family and loved ones. Insects and other forms of animals can bring dangerous diseases to

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solar panels on the roof

Do Solar Panels Increase the Value of Your Home?

You’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars on those solar panels on your roof. It’s only right that you recuperate that money when you sell the house. While there are a million other things you may want to fix in your house to make it

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