Pet Care Amid the COVID-19 Crisis: Ways to Handle Your Pets

husky on the ground

Pets such as dogs and cats are considered furry members of the family. They provide many households with a handful of benefits. In fact, National Geographic said that pets help their owners rise above the COVID-19 pandemic.

Pets can keep you company, erase your loneliness, and make you happy. They can even offer emotional comfort, keep you busy and preoccupied, and make you physically active. In short, these furry family members are best for your overall health and well-being.

On the other side of the spectrum, you must also take good care of your pets as they can be vulnerable to the novel coronavirus. That said, here are some pet care tips for you during this pandemic:

Understanding the Pet’s Risk of COVID-19 Infection

When it comes to pet care, know whether the novel coronavirus spreads between humans and animals. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has answers to this crucial question. Take note of the following:

  • Humans to pets: Yes, recent studies show that the novel coronavirus causing the COVID-19 infection gets spread from humans to animals. However, this happens during close contact. So if you’ve tested positive for the COVID-19, have no pet interaction at all.
  • Pets to humans: There’s a low risk for the novel coronavirus to be spread from animals to humans. So if your pets get sick, you can take good care of them. Still, make sure to protect yourself by following health and safety measures.

Setting Health and Safety Measures for Your Pets

It’s easy to see people strictly observing health and safety protocols amid the COVID-19 crisis. Even if people have gotten vaccinated, they continue to follow these protocols when going outdoor. However, these measures apply to pet interaction as well. As such, consider the following American Red Cross recommendations:

  • Limiting pet interaction: It’s crucial to limit your pet interaction. Amid the COVID-19 crisis, be sure to have no petting, snuggling, and being licked or kissed. Also, wash your hands before and after pet interaction. Lastly, restrict your pets from interacting with other animals.
  • Fostering your pets’ proper hygiene: Having good hygiene is one way to keep oneself free from the novel coronavirus. This idea applies to pets as well. First off, make sure to wash your pets regularly. Plus, don’t forget to clean them right after walking them outdoor.
  • Maintaining cleanliness in your pet’s area: Apart from ensuring your pet’s proper hygiene, keep their shelter always clean as well. Plus, don’t forget to disinfect the collars, leashes, and other items as well.
  • Ensuring your pets’ nourishment: Ensure that your pets eat properly and get hydrated frequently. Consider stocking on pet supplies during this pandemic like pet foods, supplements, and even medications. The goal is to keep your furry family members strong and healthy.

Protecting Your Pets If You’re COVID-19 Positive

There is nothing more alarming than having tested positive for the COVID-19. To prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus, you must isolate yourself. Doing so will give you the chance to be medically treated, rest well, heal yourself, and recover faster.

For the most part, you’ll have no contact with other people, not even with your family members. The same thing applies to pets — have no pet interaction at all. As mentioned above, humans can transmit the virus to animals in close contact. Hence, keep your pets safe and protected as well.

sleepy dog

Monitoring Your Pets for COVID-19 Symptoms

It’s vital to monitor your pets, whether cats or dogs. Know the COVID-19 symptoms manifested in animals, such as the following:

  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Runny nose
  • Eye discharge
  • Fever
  • Shortness of breath
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Lethargy

Contact a pet doctor or veterinarian when your pets show some COVID-19 symptoms right away. Your pets must get checked immediately and get treated whenever necessary. However, do not take them to a veterinary clinic yourself if you’re positive. The pet doctor will most likely offer virtual consultation or other plans for your pet’s medical treatment.

Handling Your Pets Having Tested Positive

As a pet owner, you see the wonderful benefits of pet ownership. That’s why you feed, bathe, and groom your dogs or cats. You can even go as far as having playtime with your cats and enrolling your dogs in behavior modification classes.

But when your pets become COVID-19 positive, you must isolate them. The medications and medical treatments provided will depend on your pet’s symptoms.

If your pets show some mild symptoms, you can care for your furry family members yourself. Of course, you’ll offer pet care based on the veterinarian’s instructions. If they get worse, contact your pet doctor for serious medical interventions.

Final Thoughts

At this point, you now know how to take care of your pets during this pandemic. Consider the valuable pet care tips recommended above. By doing so, you’ll be able to protect your cats or dogs from the novel coronavirus. You’ll also know how to handle your pets if they are COVID-19 infected. Ultimately, take care of your pets as they are furry members of your family!



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