Common Garden Pests You Should Look Out For

garden pests

No one wants to deal with bugs in their backyard, but unfortunately, they can be unavoidable. Some bugs are just your normal garden visitors but others can damage your plants and are also dangerous around animals and humans. Some will require you to contact professional arborists or horticulturists to help you with the task. But in this article, you can learn about the most common garden pests that you should know about and how to keep the dangerous ones away.

1. Caterpillars

Caterpillars are the larval stage of butterflies and moths. They can be very destructive to plants, eating the leaves or flowers. Even though they are usually harmless to people and animals, large caterpillars can give a painful bite. There are many ways to get rid of caterpillars including using natural predators like birds or ladybugs, picking them off by hand, or using chemical pesticides.

2. Aphids

Aphids are tiny, sap-sucking insects that can be a major nuisance in the garden. They can quickly multiply and cause damage to plants by sucking out their juices. Aphids also secrete a sticky substance called honeydew that can attract ants and lead to the growth of black mold. To get rid of aphids, you can use insecticidal soap, horticultural oil, or neem oil. You can also try introducing natural predators like ladybugs or lacewings.

3. Slugs and Snails

Slugs and snails are soft-bodied creatures that love to feast on your plants. They can quickly destroy a garden and can be hard to get rid of. You can deter slugs and snails using salt, beer traps, or copper bands around plants. Snakes and birds are their natural predators which you can use to control their number.

4. Termites

Termites are small, soft-bodied insects that live in colonies and can cause a lot of damage to wooden structures, like fences or decks. They can also be a problem for homeowners, eating away at the wood in their homes. There are several ways to get rid of termites including using chemical pesticides or installing termite shields. Termites are dangerous to people and animals, so it is important to get rid of them as soon as possible. Call pest control for larger colonies.

5. Mosquitoes


Mosquitoes are tiny insects that can be a major nuisance in the summertime. They can transmit diseases like Zika virus, West Nile virus, and malaria. There are several ways to get rid of mosquitoes including using insecticide sprays, using mosquito traps, or installing window screens. It is important to get rid of mosquitoes to protect your family and pets from disease.

6. Rats

Rats are rodents that can be a major problem in the garden. They can grow big and damage plants and crops, and they can also transmit diseases like rat-bite fever. There are several ways to get rid of rats including using traps or poison bait. It is important to get rid of rats before they can cause major damage to your garden. You should also take measures before they start entering your home and wreaking havoc inside.

7. Japanese Beetles

Japanese beetles are small, red and black beetles that love to feed on the leaves of plants, and can cause a lot of damage. There are several ways to get rid of Japanese beetles including using traps or insecticides.

8. Whiteflies

Whiteflies are small, white insects that feed on the leaves of plants and can cause a lot of damage. They can also transmit diseases like the tomato mosaic virus. There are several ways to get rid of whiteflies including using traps or insecticides.

9. Ticks and fleas

Ticks and fleas are small, blood-sucking insects that can be a major problem for pets and people. They can transmit diseases like Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and bubonic plague. They can bite you and your pets and breed in your garden. You can get rid of ticks and fleas using tick and flea collars, using tick and flea shampoo, or using chemical pesticides. It is important to get rid of ticks and fleas to protect your family and pets from disease.

10. Earwigs

Earwigs are small, brown insects that can be a major nuisance in the garden. They destroy your plants by eating the leaves and soft green stems. They can also invade your home and bite you. There are several ways to get rid of earwigs including using traps or insecticides. You can also try introducing natural predators like spiders or birds.

11. Ants

Ants are tiny insects that love to feed on the sweets in your garden, and can quickly invade your home. It’s important to get rid of them before they can cause too much damage.

The article above provides a list of common garden pests that you should keep an eye out for in the summertime. These insects can be dangerous to your family or pets, so it is important to take action before they cause major damage. Call pest control for large infestations to keep yourself safe.



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